Nominate a Buc for his or her outstanding achievements!

Nominations for these awards are accepted throughout the year from several sources including: alumni, the Board of Trustees, administrators, faculty, staff and friends of the university. The Nominations and Awards Committee handles the award selections. Each winner is notified by a member of the committee, and awards are presented at either Homecoming Weekend or Graduation weekend.


This is the most prestigious award given by the Alumni Association and is the hallmark of an alumnus who strives for excellence in all endeavors. It honors the person who has distinguished him or herself in three areas: service to the university, service to the community and achievement in his or her field of endeavor.

This award is designed to recognize an alumnus under the age of 30 who has been successful within his or her field of endeavor and shows exceptional promise of future achievement.

Many of CSU’s programs are directed toward community service, and our ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵAPPembrace the opportunities to serve Him through volunteer work. This award honors an alumnus who goes above-and-beyond the expectations of a community, church or nonprofit group and recognizes his or her personal sacrifice and exceptional volunteer service to a charitable organization.

²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵAPP Southern University’s mission is promoting academic excellence in a Christian environment, and this award will go to the outstanding alumnus who exhibits the ideals and ethics of CSU.

Alumni who stay connected, volunteer and participate in association activities are eligible for this award. The Board wishes to honor and recognize an alumnus who has given outstanding service to the university and the Alumni Association or other alumni activity.

Our faculty’s greatest wish is for ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵAPPto graduate and be successful in their field of study. This award honors an alumnus who reflects honor on the university for exceptional achievement in his or her field of endeavor.

The Military Service Award recognizes an alumnus who is serving or has served in the military and brings distinction in their area of service to our country and in turn brings distinction to our university.
